
August 27, 2021

10 Surprising Stats About Computer Science


  1. The Computer Science field is evolving rapidly
  2. Job employment in Computer Science is in demand
  3. Computer Science wages are comparatively higher than other roles
  4. You can work within multiple industries through Computer Science
  5. A Computer Science degree provides an excellent foundation for programmers
  6. The first computer programmer is a female mathematician
  7. Men still dominate the field of Computer Science
  8. The first computer bug is an actual dead bug
  9. An analytical engine is the earliest programmable computer
  10. Computer Programming played an Important role in ending World War II

Computer science is the systematic study of computing as it relates to computer systems and software. Learners pursuing a computer science degree will study computation theory, algorithms, software design, and hardware design. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in Computer Science, here’s a  brief overview of surprising computer science trends in education, employment, facts and more! 

Let's read through the following stats and trends^!

#1 The Computer Science field is evolving rapidly

A degree in computer science requires dedication and hard work. That's why it's good to know what happens next. Computer scientists work in many fields. The world is growing more reliant on computers and technology. Computer scientists may work as software developers, computer and information systems managers, computer programmers, and web developers. The best countries for software engineers in 2020 and beyond are the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway and Switzerland. The average annual salary is $104 852 USD. These places have great software developers. However, they share high taxes, a strong currency, and a high cost of living. For example, if you earn the same income in the top three nations as in China, you may live three times better in China.

#2 Job employment in Computer Science is in-demand

Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 11 per cent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 531,200 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security. A data scientist is one of the highest-paid jobs across the globe. On average, Australia pays Data Scientist the highest at $66, 058 AUD and Java Developer came second with $57, 631 AUD​​. The high demand, high income, and many job opportunities in computer technology make it a desirable profession.

#3 Computer science wages are comparatively higher than other roles

Ultimately, a good salary is what helps pay the bills and put food on the table—and a career in computer technology may assist. Consider two of the most popular computer science jobs: software developers and programmers. ​​Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, and the United States have higher software engineer salaries than other countries. Software engineers in Australia get a salary of $85,000 AUD annually as mid-level and as one goes into a senior position it can rise to $150,000 AUD and above. Remember that these numbers represent the median pay for workers of all experience levels and that salaries vary depending on experience and region, so these values likely do not reflect entry-level compensation.

#4 You can work within multiple industries through Computer Science

You don't have to work in the technology industry if you want to pursue a career in technology. Computer science employment is available in a wide range of businesses. Software is a versatile tool that may be applied to almost every sector. As a result, a Computer Science degree can prepare you to work in a variety of industries, from logistics to forestry to banking, and everything in between. So, just because your first computer science job doesn't meet your expectations doesn't imply you'll be trapped doing it forever. You can work in a whole other industry without having to master a new set of skills or obtain a new degree.

#5 A Computer Science degree provides an excellent foundation for programmers

The list of programming languages and abilities companies want is likely to result in a hand cramp if compiled from a fast review of job listings for programming and development jobs. How can anybody keep up with all of the programming languages out there? For starters, programmers and developers prefer to specialise in a few languages. But here's a secret: all programming languages work by converting human thoughts into computer-processable logic. A computer science degree helps you grasp those basic ideas. The finer features of each language become simpler to comprehend after the foundation is established. Interested in kick-starting your journey, why not check out CS101 here.

#6 The first computer programmer is a female mathematician

Ada Lovelace was a math prodigy who loved numbers and numerology. She was a talented British mathematician, and was Lord Byron's daughter. Ada later worked with Charles Babbage, a famous 19th-century mechanical engineer. Ada became an essential factor in Babbage’s work and appeared in one of Menabrea's publications. The articles were also annotated by Lovelace and a British magazine published them in 1843. For that reason, she is considered the first computer programme. In other words, she was the first coder. 

#7 Men still dominates the field of Computer Science

Yes, males still dominate computer science. Approximately 1.7 million new STEM jobs will be created during the next decade and more males are likely to apply. This tendency begins in school. For example, despite the fact that females take more AP (Advanced Placement) exams than males, males outnumber females 4:1 in AP Computer Science. Despite rising job demand, computer science remains a male-dominated field. So this is a great time for women to study computer technology. Extending maternity leave and promoting work-life balance are among the industry's efforts to recruit more female employees. Female students in STEM areas must be recruited early. Moreover, the computer science field is expanding. Applications software developers are the fastest-growing STEM profession. Computer support experts and systems analysts also account for nearly half a million employees. 

#8 The first computer bug is an actual dead bug

A computer bug is an error or malfunction caused by a software or system weakness. This issue may cause the software to act in an unexpected way. Thomas Edison was the first to use the term “bug” to denote a technical flaw. He used it in an 1878 letter but it wasn't until 70 years later that the phrase became popular. On September 9, 1947, at 3:45 p.m., the first computer bug was recorded. Grace Hopper, an American computer scientist and Navy veteran, recorded it where she found the flaw in a Harvard Mark II computer's logbook. Then, she began troubleshooting the computer after noticing a glitch. Hopper discovered a dead moth trapped between the computer's relay connections. 

#9 An analytical engine is the earliest programmable computer

A man by the name of Charles Babbage created the Analytical Engine in the early 1800s. It was the first programmable computer the size of a small house machine that ran on 6 steam engines. The analytical engine has four primary compartments. The most essential one was named “the mill”, which is the CPU. There were also “reader” and “printer” components, which handled input and output. In the “store” section, the computer's storage and memory are located. A jacquard loom, developed in 1810, inspired the use of a punch card. This machine utilised wooden punch cards to create textiles. Using these cards made the Analytical Engine programmable. This was the machine that would run Lovelace's algorithm. But, Babbage had several disagreements with the project's principal engineer so he never finished the machine's design. In the end, Ada's algorithm never ran.

#10 Computer Programming played an important role in ending World War II

Many consider Alan Turing, an English mathematician, the founder of modern computer science. His innovations established calculations and algorithms. But, as many may not realise, Turing was instrumental in ending WWII. The Nazis employed an encoded machine called ENIGMA. But Alan utilised his cryptologic and algorithmic abilities to decode it. This aided the Allies' victory and saved many lives. In fact, the ACM named the award after him. The Turing Award honours people who have made significant contributions to computer programming.

What next?

There you go! These are 10 surprising yet interesting facts and stats about Computer Science that you might not have known, but now you do!

Looking to enter the world of Computer Science? Why not make the move and kickstart your journey with CS101 powered by OpenLearning. The first course CS101: Programming and Computational Thinking is now open for pre-enrolments. The course will officially commence on 18th October 2021.

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^Please note: While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all figures and potential income, it should be noted that the salary figures are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the salary differs for each individual.